16 Days of Activism VAPP Act 2015 Section 2: Inflicting Physical Injury on a Person


16 Days of Activism VAPP Act 2015 Section 2: Inflicting Physical Injury on a Person

16 Days of Activism VAPP Act 2015 Section 2: Inflicting Physical Injury on a Person

This section of the #VAPP Act 2015 deals on Inflicting Physical Injury on a Person. Don’t be silent speak up when your right is trampled upon.


Section Two (2) reads thus;

(1) A person who willfully causes or inflicts physical injury on another person by means of any weapon, substance or object, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or a fine not exceeding N100,000.00 or both.

(2) A person who attempts to commit the act of violence provided for in subsection (1) of this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or to a fine not exceeding N200,000.00 or both.

(3) A person who incites, aids, abets, or counsels another person to commit the act of violence provided for in subsection (1) of this section commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or to a fine not exceeding N200,000.00 or both.

(4) A person who receives or assists another who, to his knowledge commits an offence under subsection (1) of this section, is an accessory after the fact and is liable on conviction to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 years or to a fine not exceeding N200,000.00 or both.

(5) The Court may also award appropriate compensation to the victim as it may deem fit in the circumstance.

© Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act, 2015

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