Phase 3 RCCG 63 Fasting And Prayer 26th February 2021 – Day 5 Point


Phase 3 RCCG 63 Fasting And Prayer 26th February 2021 – Day 5 Point

Phase 3 RCCG 63 Fasting And Prayer 26th February 2021 – Day 5 Point

Dearly beloved welcome to Phase 3 RCCG 63 Fasting And Prayer 26th February 2021. Find the prayer points of Day 5. You can join in the prayer session.

Please share this prayer bulletin with your family and friends. Jesus loves you and so do ReflectorTV team.

We are now in the third phase of the 63 days of fasting and prayers. For the next 21 days, we will be praying prayers of demands. Period: February 22-March 14, 2021.

BIBLE TEXT: Job 22:21-28.

PREAMBLE: 42-Days had gone out of 63 with great testimonies in their hundreds across the globe and we are still counting. There is no better way to be acquainted with God other than in the place of Praises, thanksgiving, worship in true repentance at the throne of grace where mercy abounds. This is what the Holy Spirit has done by directing our Father in- the- Lord; Daddy G.O asking us to spend the first forty two (42) days in acquainting ourselves with God in such a manner that our prayers can receive speedy answers in this third segment of 21-days of declarations, decrees and making of demands as commanded in Psalm 2:8, Isiaiah 45:11 We should be mindful to pray for the Church and the peace of our Nations daily. We are trusting God as individuals, groups and Churches that in this last segment, the Lord will rent the heavens (Isa. 64:1-4) on our behalf in the Name of Jesus. Amen.

You’re Reading>>> Phase 3 RCCG 63 Fasting And Prayer 26th February 2021 – Day 5 Point

BIBLE TEXT(S): Gen 37:28


Kidnapping is the unlawful carrying away of a person against his or her will. Kidnapping is done for the purpose of extortion, ritual or other devilish reasons. It is a global problem.

However, in recent time the situation in Nigeria has become a matter of serious concern. Let brethren all over the world intercede for God intervention over this global scourge and for Nigeria particularlly.


1. Let us thank God Almighty, because He alone is our redeemer, who is mighty and able to plead our cause Prov 23:11

2. Father, We decree peace in our nation (replace nation with the name of your country), lay your divine ambushment against every kidnapper, ritualists and cultists in Jesus name 2Chro20:22, Jos 8:7

3. Father, arise in your power and release all your children in the cage of kidnappers and ritualist, in Jesus name.

4. Father, scatter the plans and agenda of kidnappers and ritualist in Nigeria in Jesus name.

5. Father, you are the consuming fire, please rain upon the kidnappers and ritualists that refused to repent, brimstones and fire in Jesus name. Psam11:6

6. Father, please let your wind of destruction blow in the hideout of terrorists, kidnappers and ritualists in Nigeria in Jesus name.

7. Father, please trouble these kidnappers and ritualists until they turn to you in Jesus name. Psa 55:19

Read Also>>> Phase 3 RCCG 63 Fasting And Prayer 25th February 2021 – Day 4 Point

8. Father, please shoot the arrows of premature death into the camp of unrepentant kidnappers and ritualist in Jesus name. Deu 24:7

9. Father, let every kidnappers and ritualist be rendered useless in our nations in Jesus name.

10. Father, please pluck out every kidnapper and ritualist from their dwelling place in Jesus name. Psa 52:5

11. Father, arise O Lord and let the wickedness of kidnappers and ritualists come to an end in Jesus name. Psa 7: 9

12. Father; in all my ways, deliver me out of the hand of (kidnappers and ritualist) and don’t let me be a victim in the hand of the wicked in Jesus name. Jere15:21

13. Father; arise, expose and arrest all those sponsoring kidnapping and ritual killings in Nigeria in Jesus name.

14. Father, destroy the wide network of kidnappers and ritualists in Nigeria in Jesus name.

15. Father, please let the spirit of error fall upon every kidnapper and ritualist in Jesus name.

Read Also>>> Our Daily Bread Devotional 26th February, 2021

Thank you for joining us for Phase 3 RCCG 63 Fasting And Prayer 26th February 2021 – Day 5 Point.

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