Adversity: city of advancement

Adversity: city of advancement
Street Traders photo by Victor Oroyi

Adversity: city of advancement

A poem by Victor Oroyi as part of the collection, hope against Hope; Face itAdversity: city of advancement speaks to need for challenges to make progress.

Adversity: city of advancement

Undesired city
Yet destinies are made
Uncommon city
Yet many are found
Adversity, a city of adventures

Bended to different directions
Stretched beyond limits
Into unimaginable depth
With blurred vision without focus
Adversity, a city of adverse conditions

With deep sigh
In adversity comes…

Moment of inward quietness
To booth our intelligent quotient

Moment of firm conviction

To construct our values

Moment of retreat
To redirect our focus lens

Moment of isolation
To instill courage

Children are born, When mother groans

Champions are born
Dreams are redesigned
Colors are brighter
Depths are reached
When adversity comes as rain

True self is discovered
In the city of adversity

For advancement

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