John Hagee Devotional 7 January 2021 | Abide in Me

John Hagee Devotional 7 January 2021 | Abide in Me

John Hagee Devotional 7 January 2021 | Abide in Me

You are reading daily John Hagee devotional titled Abide in Me today Tuesday 7 January 2021 to help build your relationship with God. This message will help you.

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John Hagee Devotional 7 January 2021

Topic: Abide in Me

Today’s Scripture: John 15:9

“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.”

Daily Truth

As Jesus spent final, precious moments with His disciples, He spoke of abiding and how their point of contact determined their potential.

Vinedressers can attest that the point of contact – where the branch meets the vine – is where healthy, flourishing life begins. At that juncture, life-giving sap flows through to be delivered to the fruit growing on the branch.

If the branch has a large, unobstructed connection to the vine, the potential is great for a bumper crop – plentiful, luscious grapes. If the connection is poor, the fruit will be withered and sparse.

To abide means to remain, to stay closely connected, to settle in for the long term. Ongoing vital connection with Jesus directly determines the flow of His supernatural power at work in our lives.

In John 15, Jesus uses “abide (remain or dwell)” eleven times. John uses it 40 times in his gospel. To be productive, we must join with Him.

A branch, severed from the vine and lying in the dust, will not produce one leaf, one flower, one grape. Our connection to Jesus must be our singular priority.

To remain in Him, we must set apart devoted time with Jesus. We must deepen our relationship by talking and listening to Him. Savor His words. Be attentive to His presence every moment. Abide in Him.

Today’s Blessing

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May you abide in the Lord and He abide in you. May your joy be full and your life overflow with much fruit. All glory to Him!

Today’s Bible Reading

Old Testament: Hosea 6:1-9:17

New Testament: 3 John 1:1-15

Psalms & Proverbs: Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 29:12-14

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Thank you for reading John Hagee Devotional 7 January 2021 titled Abide in Me. Have a great day.

John Hagee Devotional January 2021

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