Joyce Meyer Devotional for Saturday 10 June 2023 Titled Get a Goal

Joyce Meyer Devotional for Saturday 10 June 2023 Titled Get a Goal

Joyce Meyer Devotional for Saturday 10 June 2023 Titled Get a Goal

The topic for today’s Joyce Meyer daily devotional is titled Get a Goal for today Saturday 10 June 2023.  This message stresses the importance of having a goal. Share with a friend.


Joyce Meyer Bible Verse

…He is the rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek Him [out]. – Hebrews 11:6 (AMPC)

Joyce Meyer Devotional for Saturday 10th June 2023 Titled Get a Goal

Think of an area in your life in which you need to refuse to give up. Come up with a goal—one that will require you to be disciplined and overcome some obstacles, but one that also promises great reward. It may be as basic as making your bed each morning, or as ambitious as running a marathon or climbing Mount Everest. It may be to break free from a fear of flying or a fear of public speaking, or it may be to overcome an addiction of some kind. It may be cleaning your house or getting out of debt. Just make sure you and God are in agreement, depend on Him for the strength to do it, and then go after your goal with everything in you.

Be full of holy determination—not some kind of fleshly determination or willpower—but true God-given determination. You do have self-control. It is a fruit of the Spirit, and it is in you— believe it and begin walking in it.

Prayer of the Day:

Lord Jesus, give me the strength and determination to pursue my goals and overcome obstacles. Help me to rely on You for guidance and to trust in Your plan for my life, amen.

Thank you for reading today’s Joyce Meyer Devotional for Saturday 10th June 2023 Titled Get a Goal.

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