Winners Chapel 21 Days Fasting And Prayer 19th January 2021 Points Day 16

Winners Chapel 21 Days Fasting And Prayer 19th January 2021 Points Day 16

Winners Chapel 21 Days Fasting And Prayer 19th January 2021 Points Day 16

Living Faith Church aka Winners’Chapel begins her annual 21 Days Fasting And Prayer for the year 2021 which begins today Monday 4th January 2021 and terminates 24th January 2021.

It is going to be a period where members of the Living Faith Church LFC Worldwide seek God’s face in fasting and prayer each day and break in the evening with the Holy Communion.

THE REASON FOR THE FAST: This spiritual exercise helps members to properly re-align with God and enjoy the full delivery of what the Lord has for them for the “Turnaround Era” year.

Winners Chapel 21 Days Fasting And Prayer 19th January 2021 Points Day 16
Day 16: Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Prayer Point 1:
Father, let every contention of hell against the ongoing revival be visited with divine vengeance, resulting in the continuous influx of unprecedented multitudes into this church this year – Isaiah 49:25-26

Prayer Point 2:
Father, empower every Winner with grace for steadfastness in stewardship towards the full delivery of the church growth agenda so as not to miss our rewards – 1 Cor. 15:58

Prayer Point 3:
Father, cause Your acts in this Church to be noised abroad as in the day of Pentecost, thereby drafting abiding multitudes into this Church all through this year– Acts 2:6/41

Prayer Point 4:
Father, let your word have a free course and be glorified among us resulting in Supernatural Turnaround order of signs and wonders this year– 2Thess. 3:1

Prayer Point 5:
Father, by the Mighty Rushing Wind of the Holy Spirit, invade this church with Supernatural Turnaround order of multitudes, and turn them into active disciples of Christ this year – Acts 2:1-4

Prayer Point 6:
Father, let your vengeance come upon every unrepentant agent of the devil seeking to destroy any member of this church – Ps. 7:12-13

Prayer Point 7:
Father, let your mighty hand continue to be visible upon all our newly planted churches for supernatural growth and establishment this year – Act. 2:47

Prayer Point 8:
Father, we decree the release of reaper-angels to the highways and hedges, compelling the ingathering of multitudes into this church all through this year – Matt. 13:39

Prayer Point 9:
Father, by the revelation of your word, hasten the fulfilment of the 2021 Supernatural Turnaround prophetic word both in this commission and in the life of every Winner – Jer.1:12

Thanks for reading today’s passage. May God answer your prayers in Jesus name, Amen.

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