Our Daily Bread Devotional 30 January 2022 | Unanswered Prayers

Our Daily Bread Devotional | Unanswered Prayers

Our Daily Bread Devotional 30 January 2022 | Unanswered Prayers

Our Daily Bread Devotional 30 January 2022 | Unanswered Prayers

Unanswered Prayers written by John Blase is topic of Our Daily Bread devotional today Sunday 30 January 2022.  This message shall be a blessing to your life and destiny as you pay attention to this daily devotional.

Share Our Daily Bread today 30 January 2022 devotional with your friends and family to partake in the blessings of the day.  God loves and cares for us!



How long, Lord, how long? Psalm 6:3

Today’s Scripture: Psalm 6

Our Daily Bread Devotional 30th January 2022 | INSIGHT

Are we there yet? Not yet. Are we there yet? Not yet. That was the back-and-forth game we played on the first (and definitely not the last) sixteen-hour trip back home to Arkansas from Colorado when our children were young. Our oldest two kept the game alive and well, and if I had a dollar for every time they asked, well, I’d have a stack of dollars. It was a question my children were obsessed with, but I (the driver) was equally obsessed wondering, Are we there yet? And the answer was, Not yet, but soon.

Truth be told, most adults are asking a variation on that question, although we may not voice it out loud. But we’re asking it for that same reason—we’re tired, and our eyes have grown “weak with sorrow” (Psalm 6:7). We’re “worn out from [our] groaning” (v. 6) about everything from the nightly news to daily frustrations at work to never-ending health problems to relational strains, and the list goes on. We cry out: “Are we there yet? How long, Lord, how long?”The psalmist knew well that kind of weariness, and he honestly brought that key question to God. Like a caring parent, He heard David’s cries and in His great mercy accepted them (v. 9). There was no shame for asking. Likewise, you and I can boldly approach our Father in heaven with our honest cries of “How long?” and His answer might be, “Not yet, but soon. I’m good. Trust Me.” By: John Blase

Bible in a Year: Exodus 23–24, Matthew 20:1–16

REFLECT: Why are you weary right now and wondering, How long, Lord? What is it about God that shows He’s trustworthy?


Father in heaven, the burdens of this world have me asking, “How long?” Thank You for welcoming such prayers, and please give me the strength to trust You in life’s journey.

Thank you for reading Our Daily Bread Devotional 30 January 2022 titled Unanswered Prayers. Have a great day!

Our Daily Bread Devotional 30 January 2022 | Unanswered Prayers

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