WOMAN Rejects All Forms of Human Discrimination


WOMAN Rejects All Forms of Human Discrimination

WOMAN Rejects All Forms of Human Discrimination

The Women Organized for Mentorship and Advocacy Network, (WOMAN) unequivocally rejects all forms of health and human discrimination, aligning with this year’s theme “To protect everyone’s health, protect everyone’s rights” for Zero Discrimination Day 2024.

A statement issued by the Executive Director, of WOMAN, Lady Eunice Nnachi expresses deep concern over the escalating discrimination faced by individuals with health challenges. These challenges are not of their making and warrant care and compassion from society as a support network.

Highlighting the pervasive discrimination against vulnerable individuals, Nnachi noted that, there are communities where many are deprived of fundamental rights such as fair hearings, freedom, and bail for bailable offenses in Nigeria.

She underscores the extent of discrimination endured by vulnerable groups based on social status, political influence, and access to power.

In solidarity with this year’s theme, she said, “we condemns all discriminatory practices and urges governmental bodies, especially law enforcement agencies, to fulfill their duties diligently and justly.

“Zero Discrimination Day serves as an annual reminder to champion inclusion, equality, peace, and raise awareness about the right to a dignified life, combat discrimination, and its adverse effects on individuals, communities, and societies.

“It strives to uphold equality under the law and in practical terms across all UN member states”.

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